Pimp My Shack

The Unofficial Last Season

The Pimp My Shack initiative has had the goal to educate since the conceptualization of the show. It initially started out as a way for Namibians living in informal housing to have access to affordable tips and tricks on how to make their homes safe and beautiful. This year we’ve gone a step further with the core goal of education as well as spreading awareness in mind. Our partnership with Side by Side has allowed us to showcase the truth of children with disabilities who live in impoverished communities. One truth people living with disabilities face is the fact others treat them like they are their disability, when in fact no one, abled or disabled, can be reduced to just one quality that makes up only one part of them. In Pimp My Shack Season 3 we have tried to showcase how unique these children are other than being only disabled and different from what many people regard as “normal”